Counting down!

Sonic’s temperature has been a bit lower today than yesterday. She has been licking her belly a lot today and has a bit of milk coming in. She didn’t want to eat her mid-day meal, but she did just eat some dinner. She has done some digging in the whelping box and is looking distinctly uncomfortable most of the time. She’s doing some panting, too. I hope for her sake that she whelps in the next 24 hours, but I suspect it will be more like 48 hours. But, heck, what do I know???

I spent a fair bit of time today finishing up preparations for the puppies arrival, including clearing as much extra stuff out of the whelping room as possible. I was able to install a baby gate in the doorway, while still allowing the door to shut.

We did go for nice walk in the bright morning sunshine. Sonic can still run, albeit without her usual grace. Here’s a brief video clip I took before we started our walk this morning.